1. What is the name of your brand?
2. Why did you start this business? Give a short summary of your story.
3. What makes this product line unique?
4. Describe the tone/personality of your business with 5-6 adjectives (ex: professional, friendly, modern, gritty, natural, minimal, etc).
5. What 2-3 brands do you look up to when it comes to your business? Think beyond your own industry as well for examples. Why do you like what they’re doing?
6. Are you targeting brick and mortar stores or D2C? If brick and mortar, are there any specific targets?
7. Do you have any specific goals that you hope this branding will solve, or help to make clear to potential customers?
8. Who is your ideal customer? You can name actual people, a persona or demographic, or just describe an ideal type of person.
9. How do customers currently find you or how do you think they’ll find you in the future (ex: referrals, Instagram, Facebook etc.)?
10. Are you just looking for label design, or also unique bottle design? Are you looking for anything else too (ex: Branding, Positioning, Marketing, etc))
11. Who are your primary competitors?
12. Where do you want your business to go in the near future?
13. Where would you like your business to go longer term?
14. What is the primary market for this design? Is this a local launch, regional, national, global? Which region?
15. Will you be providing foundational copy? Basic necessary copy, weight, nutrional information, etc
16. Are there any brand elements we'll be working with? Logo, specific colors, typefaces, imagery or graphics.
17. Are you working against a budget or timeline?
18. This questionnaire is pretty exhaustive! However, can you think of anything else about your brand or any additional creative considerations that would be helpful for me to know?