Q. Do you really subscribe to the Conan the Barbarian School of Business?

A. Yes. But let us explain further. Conan the Barbarian is truly a cinematic masterpiece from a bygone era. At its heart, it chronicles one man’s rags-to-riches story as he struggles to rise beyond a life of childhood slavery. He also slays a host of baddies in the process, finally offing an evil sorcerer who is also the leader of a cult empire. In so doing, he rescues a king’s daughter who in return offers Conan part of his kingdom. Conan turns him down, despite this being the logical next step in his occupational ladder.

We’re then given a short narrated synopsis of what happens next in Conan’s life that crescendos with the line “In time, he became a king by his own hand.” We’d like to think this wasn’t because of some misguided “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality, but rather Conan being a savvy leader. We further believe that Conan was way more introspective than most people give him credit for, knowing that although the people of the kingdom would eventually come to love him, it would be a difficult transition. After all, there’s no doubt Conan has a different leadership style than his predecessor. He would rather build something new that people want to rally around and become a part of because it’s different rather than in spite of it being different. In short, he understands that he needs to forge his own path because his product offering and way of doing business is different and exciting.


Q. What is a Mindprizm? Sounds made up…

A. It is! And also isn’t. There’s actually a diagram on our About page. The basic idea is that a Mindprizm bridges both halves of the brain, being fed on the left analytical side by strategic input that refracts through to the right side as creative output.


Q. Favorite 80s movie?

A. Can’t pick one.


Q. What are some great bands that use synthesizers?

A. Nine Inch Nails. Electric Light Orchestra. The Midnight. Dragon Inn 3. Gorillaz. HEALTH. The Broken Bells. Tears for Fears. Gunship. Radiohead. St Lucia. The Presets. The Midnight Juggernauts. Dance with the Dead. PNAU. Empire of the Sun. Carpenter Brut. Starcadian. Big Black Delta. Cut Copy. The Sound of Arrows. Battle Tapes. We could go on and on and on…

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